Emma Robertson - SimplyBirth

Congratulations on your pregnancy or recent birth.

Having a baby is a very special event and it is one that is met with great excitement and often the unknown!

As a Qualified Midwife, Hypnobirthing Instructor and IBCLC Lactation Consultant I hope that I will be able to support you by providing you with all of the information that you require for a happy pregnancy, birth and beyond.

 Love, Emma x


To support women and their families, providing them with information that is evidence based to aid them in making fully informed choices about their care.


To empower women within the UAE to achieve the birth that they desire, focusing on their physical, mental and social needs.

Benefits of Hypnobirthing

A Hypnobirthing Course is a comprehensive Antenatal Education Programme which offers parents the opportunity to learn about pregnancy, labour and birth and provides them with the facts and realities of childbirth.

Courses aim to alleviate any pre-existing fears and encourage couples to view birth as a positive and empowering experience. 

There is growing evidence which shows that attending a Hypnobirthing course may bring a number of tangible benefits. Some of which include: a reduction in fear, less pain and promoting a sense of control.

Research has also identified that Hypnobirthing mums typically have an improved emotional experience and outlook towards birth with less anxiety, increased satisfaction and fewer birth interventions.

The benefits continue post birth, with many women reporting a feeling of enhanced wellbeing and a better childbirth experience overall.

Benefits of Lactation Support

Lactation support provides reassurance for new parents and families. Many parents say that they often feel overwhelmed following the birth of their baby and they can sometimes feel alone and unsure of what to do after leaving the hospital.

The lactation support that I offer gives new parents the opportunity to talk options through, and just chat, knowing that they will not be dismissed or told what to do.

I offer support with positioning, attachment, common feeding problems and expression of breastmilk.

Having a baby can be a major life adjustment and having information and support, can be an invaluable tool to help you to have a positive birth experience and to settle in at home as a family.