
Services offered...

  • 1:1 Lactation Support (at home)
  • 4 Week Hypnobirthing Courses (Group and Private)
  • 1:1 Baby Massage Courses (5 weeks)
  • Online Antenatal Education Classes

If you would like to book a service or to make an enquiry, please contact Emma using this contact form.

Lactation Support

In the first few days following birth, you and your baby will be bonding together, and if you are breast feeding, it may take a little while to become confident at latching and feeding your baby.

As a qualified IBCLC Lactation Consultant and Midwife, I can support you with positioning and attachment of your baby at the breast, resolving any breast-feeding difficulties and assisting with the expression of breast milk.


Hypnobirthing classes offer parents the opportunity to learn about pregnancy, labour and birth and provide them with the facts and realities of childbirth. They aim to alleviate any pre-existing fears and encourage couples to view birth as a positive and empowering experience.

The main ethos of hypnobirthing is fundamentally learning how to relax using different methods such as breathing and massage techniques, by listening to relaxation scripts and by visualising positive images. The classes are about empowering women to trust their instincts and their bodies.

Baby Massage

Baby massage is when a parent or primary carer lovingly strokes and soothes their baby using a cold pressed vegetable oil. The massage techniques used during sessions are based on Indian and Swedish massage traditions and they also incorporate principles from yoga and reflexology. Classes will teach you how to safely massage your baby and enable you to communicate both verbally and non-verbally with your baby, so that they feel loved, valued and respected.

Antenatal Classes

Antenatal Classes provide parents to be with information about pregnancy, labour and birth and the postnatal period. The key topics that you will learn about include:

  • Signs of Labour
  • Natural Coping and Relaxation Techniques
  • Medicinal Pain Relief Options
  • Birth
  • Post Delivery: What to expect in the first 72 hours
  • Infant Feeding

The optimum time to either attend a class is when you are between 28-34 weeks pregnant. However, if you’re expecting twins, you should start your classes when you’re around 24 weeks pregnant because your babies are more likely to be born earlier than your Estimated Due Date (EDD).